Customer quotes
About the Eddy
[2012/02/21 22:07:23] Allison Krovac: i love this effect
[2012/02/21 22:08:09] Allison Krovac: this is very beautiful...a real attention getter
[2012/02/21 22:10:35] Allison Krovac: you could ask alot more for this
[2012/02/21 22:10:41] Allison Krovac: and ppl would buy it
[2012/02/21 22:10:46] Allison Krovac: its one of a kind
[2012/02/21 22:11:43] Allison Krovac: this is perfect
[2012/02/21 22:11:49] Allison Krovac: i really love this
About the tails
[2011/02/10 17:45] Jolie Muircastle: I went to a place where there were a few other mermaids..I was so proud of my Galene Betta
[2011/02/10 17:47] Jolie Muircastle: I looked at all the tails...and I don't want to get stuck with ill looking tails
[2011/01/31 20:59] Allissa Demar: I'm lookin for a softer pink
[2011/01/31 20:59] Opal Lei: Like a pastel pink?
[2011/01/31 20:59] Allissa Demar: and no ones compares to yours so I'll wait and mebbe eventually u will make one
[2011/01/31 21:00] Allissa Demar: seriously the others I have looked at are not good...I'm picky as heck
[2010/11/13 23:56] Florian Longmeadow: yours are the best mer in SL you know that don't ya!!!!
[2010/11/14 00:02] Florian Longmeadow: I cant go bad with Mer Betta.. Love them all hehe
[2010-04-22 02:32:53] Lordisma Shepherd: i looked all round the [Fantasy] faire and couldnt find anything half as good as what you make
[2010/02/18 18:29] Tira Bigboots: wow that tail is delicious
[2010/02/18 18:30] Opal Lei: Chryseis?
[2010/02/18 18:30] Tira Bigboots: from what i see yes
[2010/02/18 18:30] Opal Lei: I don't think anyone has called my tails "delicious" yet. lol
[2010/02/18 18:30] Tira Bigboots: lol i am drooling
[2010/02/13 16:10] Cordellia Maracas: I refuse to buy other tails, as they dont look as good as yours
[2009/07/10 1:02] Tira Bigboots: lol i had a bad day and bought myself one of your tails
[2009/07/10 1:02] Opal Lei: LOL
[2009/07/10 1:03] Tira Bigboots: now i am all better
[2009/07/10 1:03] Opal Lei: Can I quote you? lol
[2009/07/10 1:03] Tira Bigboots: yes
Older customer feedback from
About the Mer Betta Eione Midnight Version 2c mermaid ensemble
Invisible Homewood on 2009-06-14
I have two of this fantastic mermaids, don't look for another, this is one of the best you will find!!! Great textures, can't be better ^^
Fluff Starbrook on 2008-07-27
Absolutely stunning! I love it and the others which I bought immediately once I tried on this fabulous tail and fins. buy it! you won't be disappointed
About the Mer Betta Atargatis Signature Blue Version 2c mermaid ensemble
Kit Jefes on 2008-05-31
I absolutely love this item. It met all expectations without any doubt. Great product!:))
About the Mer Betta Galene Orange Version 2c mermaid ensemble
Bennu Nightfire on 2008-12-21
This is *amazingly* gorgeous. Wonderful workmanship.
About the Mer Betta Rhodea Dark Red Version 2c mermaid ensemble
Gale Vhargon on 2008-08-18
There are probably others out there like I was, looking at this and certain other mermaid accessories, wondering whether it'd be worth it to upgrade that first mermaid AV you got for 0-300L.
To all of you: YES, oh god YES.