Tips for Appliers for Mesh Bodies
Mer Betta Merkini+Bettakini appliers/installers will soon be provided for mesh bodies. The appliers behave differently as indicated below.
NOTE: This information might become inaccurate as the mesh body designers release updates to the bodies.
NOTE: This information might become inaccurate as the mesh body designers release updates to the bodies.
Belleza Venus / Freya / IsisThe buttons for tops and bottoms are separate, so you can mix and match.
Due to the design of the applier script, each button is required to have its own copy of the script. So, to reduce lag, remember to detach the applier after you apply the kini to your mesh body.
The bottom seems to be problematic, because the texture tends to load very slow and may remain fuzzy and pixelated. It seems to be an issue with the mesh body itself, since the bikini bottom loads fine in the other mesh bodies and the top loads fine in all of them. Sometimes, Texture Refresh works.
Maitreya LaraThe buttons for tops and bottoms are separate, so you can mix and match.
Due to the design of the applier script, each button is required to have its own copy of the script. So, to reduce lag, remember to detach the applier after you apply the kini to your mesh body.
Each time you click a button, you will be asked which layer you want to use.
SLink PhysiqueThe buttons for tops and bottoms are separate, so you can mix and match.
Remember to turn on (make the buttons green) the top and bottom underwear layers on your SLink HUD.
#TheMeshProjInstead of an applier, you will receive an installer, which you wear and click once. After installation, wear the #TMP StyleMode HUD and click on the icon with both the shirt and pants. Then you'll see the swatches.
Because of the design of the #TMP system, I decided to combine the matching upper and lower parts into a single swatch. This doesn't allow mixing and matching, but it simplifies your styling significantly.
If you have the Deluxe version of the mesh body (with two layers of clothing), for best results, click Unstyle to get naked first, then click on the swatch.